We have mailed out a lead and copper survey.The purpose of this survey is to conduct a lead service line inventory within our system. In order to complete our inventory, we...
Please click on the link below to be taken to a current letter from the Board of Director’s. This is an update regarding pending litigation, as well as current options the Co-op is...
We have a new customer portal! This portal will allow you to see your personal meter information, such as usage and any notifications you may have. If you have your account number, name and email you...
We also want to advise members on our entire system that they should also be prepared for the same thing in their area. The BOD and our attorney are working diligently to try to restore and...
We regret to inform you that the City of Portales has decided to arbitrarily decrease the amount of water that services your area. They believe that the members in this area are not adhering to...
The City of Portales has declared Stage 3 Emergency Water Rationing is now in effect. The City of Portales declared Stage 2 Mandatory Water Rationing two years ago and never lifted that declaration;...