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Lead and Copper Survey

Attention members
We have mailed out a lead and copper survey.The purpose of this survey is to conduct a lead service line inventory within our system. In order to complete our inventory, we must record the material composition of your service line. We are requesting your help with this identification process.
The age of your home may help indicate if a lead service line is present. A ban prohibited the use of lead in potable water effective January 1, 1989. If you had a service line installed or replaced and remember when and what it was made of, please indicate that information on your survey.
Please note: The service line we are taking inventory of is the water line that runs from the meter (or water main) to your home or building. Performing a visual inspection of where the service line enters your home will aid in the process.
If you are renting, you can ask the owner/manager what the service line material is. They can use the same techniques as listed above.
If you could please fill out your surveys and either mail them back or return them to the office, we would greatly appreciate it!!